Often you just don’t know how to use SEO tools or which ones work for local SEO. Knowing where to start and what Google My Business SEO Tools to use. With so much contradictory advice out there ranking #1 in 2022 is going to b a challenge, or is it?
I tried a few things in the past but it feels where you gain one week you lose the next – – progress is slow – show 53% slowly – going to change this – show how you can know how well you are doing and make the changes needed.
Google My Business is changing all the time – so here at Zanet Design I keep you absolutely up to date on the very latest tools and optimisation for local #SEO
If you are enjoying my videos then make sure you give this a like and soon you will be able to dominate local SEO in 2022
1 Monitor – how can you know you are improving unless you monitor – peg in the ground https://surferlocal.com/
2 Authority – link out and internal links that useful basic h1 h2 tags, SEO on-page, off-page, where to get authorities links, look for opportunities with
I can tool https://www.canirank.com/
3. Keywords – help people solve their problem via blog, video, posts, q and A, think the keywords they use especially in title https://keywordchef.com?fpr=zanet-design29
4. GMB success – don’t reinvent the wheel, reverse engineer and see what is working, don’t copy, just improve https://gmbeverywhere.com/?via=zane
5. Unique content – give customers a clear direction of what you want them to do, be helpful https://www.autowriter.ai/
6 Grammar https://app.grammarly.com/
7 Enhance – what is working – think about search intent and search volume – what are others saying Pleper ext for info on social and website https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/pleper-local-seo-tools/cpdkchkkmcpnfgbpjjgfhcbcaceeandd
(Some are affiliate links that support this channel)
https://persuaded.io/?via=zane “X29RD” for free credit
Morning Fame https://morningfa.me/invite/vtle7pj6
Tubebuddy https://www.tubebuddy.com/zanet
VidIQ https://vidiq.com/zanet
Semrush http://www.semrush.com/sem?ref=5425319064
Answer public https://answerthepublic.com?via=zane
Mangools https://kwfinder.com#a5d3392bffeebf80fc9e346ee
Surferlocal https://surferlocal.com/?fpr=zane43
GMB Everywhere https://gmbeverywhere.com/?via=zane
Local Viking https://localviking.com/?fpr=zanet
Autowriter https://www.autowriter.ai/?via=zane
Surfer SEO https://surferseo.com/?fp_ref=zane94
Bright Local https://shrsl.com/2kbp3
Nitro Pack https://nitropack.io/#7ZBX6Y (use “Zanet” coupon for 5% discount )
Bright Local https://shrsl.com/2b1lf or https://shrsl.com/2b1m5
Publer https://publer.io/Zanet
GMB Crush https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/gmb-crush-gmb-audit-tool/
Surfer SEO https://surferseo.com/keyword-surfer-extension/?fp_ref=zane94
SEO Keywords https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/seo-extension-metrics-bac/iodbnclobmalekpemjhncgfphojcgocd
Aweber https://zanet.aweber.com
Gmail https://gmail.com
Streak http://get.streak.com/zaneclements939
Simply Book Me https://affiliate.simplybook.me/idevaffiliate.php?id=3813
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If you use Youtube videos for your business then don’t forget to optimise them with this free tool https://www.tubebuddy.com/zanet from TubeBuddy
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► If you need help with web design, email marketing or growing your business check out my web design website and portfolio Zanet Design Ltd @ https://zanet.co.uk
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► Need FREE YouTube SEO Tool? : https://www.tubebuddy.com/zanet
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Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in my videos and website are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Google. Any content or direction provided is of personal opinion and are not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company, individual or anyone or anything.
#googlemybusiness #zanet #zanetdesign