How to use Shopify with WordPress, Shopify buy button tutorial.
One of the most popular videos on this channel is my original tutorial but there are some things missing from it (probably why it is also the most disliked video!).
That is why I decided to do an updated tutorial, including all the things that I missed and hopefully giving a more in-depth tutorial, which will show you how to use the Shopify buy button with WordPress.
As I said in the video, you will need a Shopify account along with a self hosted WordPress site and you can sign up to Shopify using the affiliate link below:
If you would like the code snippet to add the redirect to the Shopify checkout, it can be found in the full written tutorial that accompanies this video:
If you would like to support the channel, you can do so by buying me a coffee using the link below and it is very much appreciated https://www.buymeacoffee.com/ecommercegold