In this tutorial, we will teach you HTML, CSS and JavaScript by building a responsive admin dashboard.
We will not be using any CSS frameworks such as Bootstrap to build this dashboard. Instead, we will teach you how to build a layout using CSS Grid and how to make it look good on devices of different sizes using CSS media queries.
Source Code on GitHub: https://github.com/BobsProgrammingAcademy/responsive-admin-dashboard
00:00:00 Introduction
00:00:38 Project Overview
00:05:07 About HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Document Object Model (DOM)
00:06:38 Basic Structure
00:14:44 Layout using CSS Grid
00:27:44 Adding Fonts and Icons
00:33:23 Header
00:38:59 Sidebar
00:45:51 Main Section and Cards
00:55:03 Building Charts using the ApexCharts Library
01:06:13 Responsive Web Design using CSS Media Queries
01:13:48 Outro
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#HTML #CSS #Javascript #CSSGrid #CSSMediaQueries #ApexCharts #HTMLCSSDashboard #ResponsiveAdminDashboard #ResponsiveDashboard #AdminDashboard #HTMLForBeginners #HTMLTutorial #HTMLCSSTutorial #HTMLCSSJavaScript #HTMLCSSJavaScriptTutorialForBeginners #TutorialForBeginners #Project