HTML Tutorial For Beginners | Comment in HTML5
Hey Guys, In this video I’m going to teach with You HTML Tutorial For Beginners, Basically, HTML Stand for Hyper Text Markup Language which used to make web pages and also layout. It’s very helpful and useful language to start a career in Web Designing or Web Development fields. So, before learning any language, you must be learn HTML language. It’s not a programming it’s a markup language.
So, I’ve designed the course for absolute beginners, they want to start a career in Web Development fields. In this video tutorial have many knowledge that help you to work on HTML, once you learn HTML then you need to learn CSS3.
please watch complete tutorial once you watch the each video section, then you need practice on that. Once you understand and also remember the tags, then you need to move on the next section. So, you need watch and practice on that more than 07-10 days.
After that, you will able to understand and work on HTML5, and also you will getting more knowledge from the web. If you face any problem or you want to learn anther things, you need search the question on Google and then, you will get the answer.