#html #htmltutorial #websitedesign #htmlandcsstutorialforbeginners #techgun
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Welcome to our comprehensive HTML tutorial for beginners! Whether you’re looking to start a career in web development or simply want to create your own personal website, you’ve come to the right place. In this easy-to-follow video, we cover everything you need to know about HTML and CSS, guiding you through the essentials of web design.
Please subscribe to watch more videos like this: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWCGvAu1NDCldmLasELk62g?sub_confirmation=1
00:00:00 Section 1: Introduction to this course
00:08:27 Section 2: Create First HTML File
00:15:52 Section 3: Basic Structure of HTML
00:23:39 Section 4: Doctype
00:28:08 Section 5: Elements and Attribute
00:34:37 Section 6: Indentation
00:38:53 Section 7: HTML Comments
00:41:31 Section 8: Headings
00:45:10 Section 9: Paragraph
00:50:19 Section 10: Formatting
00:58:01 Section 11: Quotation and citation
01:03:22 Section 12: HTML Links
01:09:21 Section 13: Email Links
01:12:20 Section 14: Images
01:15:56 Section 15: Marquee
01:18:18 Section 16: Ordered List
01:23:12 Section 17: Unordered List
01:27:18 Section 18: Description List
01:29:44 Section 19: HTML Table
01:43:50 Section 20: Nested Table
01:46:29 Section 21: Div and Span
01:56:04 Section 22: Iframe
01:59:53 Section 23: HTML Audio
02:03:57 Section 24: HTML Video
02:08:38 Section 25: Embed PDF
02:12:46 Section 26: Embed Youtube Video
02:15:46 Section 27: Embed Google Maps
02:17:14 Section 28: HTML Entities
02:23:13 Section 29: HTML Symbols
02:25:33 Section 30: Emojis in HTML
02:26:57 Section 31: Semantic Elements
02:33:04 Section 32: HTML Image Maps
02:46:24 Section 33: HTML Forms
02:51:47 Section 34: Form Input Types
03:01:43 Section 35: Form File Upload
03:03:51 Section 36: HTML Input Attribute
03:15:15 Section 37: HTML Textarea and image button
03:19:49 Section 38: Select Option
03:25:41 Section 39: Radio Button
03:30:39 Section 40: Checkbox
03:33:32 Section 41: DataList
03:37:47 Section 42: Label, Fieldset and legends
03:45:39 Section 43: SEO Tags
03:53:35 Section 44: Favicon
03:59:08 Section 45: Style in head Tag
04:02:14 Section 46: Script and no script
04:06:00 Section 47: Open Graph and Twitter card Tag
04:12:15 Section 48: Viewport Meta TAg
04:15:27 Section 49: Right to Left Website
04:18:16 Section 50: W3c HTML Validation
To watch this video part by part you can follow this playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjpp5kBQLNTSQqbELPhas4fOEHvO8nO5M
Other Tutorial links
HTML Tutorial: https://youtu.be/QXPWs00RD3A
CSS Tutorial: https://youtu.be/WyxzAU3p8CE
Javascript Tutorial: https://youtu.be/1kUoOLZ0g6g
Tips for Developer: https://youtu.be/OYMjeZt1T4g
HTML and CSS Project: https://youtu.be/WHgRcRJJOSI
Bootstrap Tutorial: https://youtu.be/QE5oQh63gGE
React js Tutorial: https://youtu.be/F18Rxw6ftcM
Hosting Website: https://youtu.be/72FNoKoKOqc
Photoshop Tutorial: https://youtu.be/fBy5kJygRWE
jquery tutorial: https://youtu.be/Yofox_h4zGQ
Python Tutorial: https://youtu.be/V4Z7lC1uG04
This HTML and CSS tutorial for beginners is perfect for those with little to no prior experience. We’ll start with the basics of HTML, teaching you how to structure your web pages with headings, paragraphs, lists, and links. You’ll then dive into CSS, learning how to style your content to make your website visually appealing. By the end of this tutorial, you’ll have a solid understanding of how to create a website using HTML and CSS.
In addition to basic HTML and CSS concepts, we offer an HTML and CSS website design tutorial to help you apply your skills in real-world scenarios. We’ll walk you through designing and coding a fully functional website, demonstrating best practices and providing tips to enhance your web design capabilities.
So, if you’re eager to learn how to create a website using HTML, this tutorial is your gateway to becoming proficient in web development. Grab a notebook, follow along with the video, and start building your very own website today!
Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more tutorials, and hit the notification bell to stay updated with our latest content. Let’s get started on your journey to mastering HTML and CSS!
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