HTML Tutorial For Beginners is designed to teach you the basics. Do you need to learn HTML5 fast? This HTML5 Tutorial for Beginners will cover all the tags you need to start creating your own web page and you will learn html in 30 minutes. First I will go over the HTML tags you need to know to create a web page and then I will show you where on the page you can place these tags. I not only explain what the tags are but also show you why you use certain tags in a specific order. (SEO and Website Accessibility are briefly mentioned).
Video created by: #susanwinters214
This video can be found on our website on this page: https://www.campsitecoders.com/LEARN/HTML5/index.php
You will learn how to add paragraphs, images, and form elements, and even learn the code for adding multimedia objects to your website. You will learn how to embed a video from YouTube onto a web page, embed an audio clip from SoundCloud and even add a map from GoogleMaps as a BONUS.
Hello World! My name is Susan Winters and this is my first web development tutorial video. I wanted to create this introduction to HTML video for beginners so that newbies can jump start their web development career quickly without having to take a semester long class at college (not necessary!). This content contains just the HTML basics but you will see a little bit of CSS because its very hard to make a website look good using only HTML. But after I finish the HTML lessons I will start creating more videos on CSS.
0:00 – Intro
0:15 – What is HTML?
0:33 – HTML element overview
0:42 – Text Editor – Notepad
1:22 – Visual Studio Code
1:32 – Setting up your Environment
2:00 – Images
2:55 – Create Index.html
3:40 – HTML tags
4:13 – Self-Closing Tags
4:41 – How to Create a Web Page
4:50 – Head tag
4:58 – Body tag
5:12 – Planning your page layout
5:31 – Code vs. Content
5:50 – h1-h6 tags
6:49 – Paragraph tag
6:59 – Hyperlink tag
7:23 – Image tag and the alt attribute
8:47 – Section tag
9:07 – Header tag
9:09 – Footer tag
10:14 – Web Accessibility
10:41 – Article tag and Aside tag
11:09 – Horizontal Rule tag
11:22 – Italics
11:33 – Class IDs and Class Names
12:52 – Style tag
13:27 – Bullet Lists
13:54 – Navigational Links
14:24 – Nav tag
14:28 – Span tag
14:50 – Div tag
16:18 – Wrapping Div tags
16:40 – HTML tables
17:22 – HTML Form
17:59 – Exercise – Code Along
27:00 – Multimedia
27:04 – Video tag
27:21 – Audio tag
27:38 – Embedding YouTube videos
28:09 – Embedding SoundCloud audio files
28:31 – i-frames
28:34 – Embedding a Google Map
“HTML5 Tutorial for Beginners” was designed in a way that allows you to sit back and watch a presentation and then later code along as we build a HTML Form with textboxes, radio buttons, check boxes, a drop down list, a text area and submit button.
I obviously couldn’t cover everything I know about HTML in less than 30 minutes so I tried to include the most important things that a newbie would need to know to either create a HTML web page from scratch or to edit an existing one. I talk at a very steady pace but you are encouraged to pause the video at any time or as many times as you need to in order to catch up if you are coding along.
If you just got a job in Marketing or I.T. or another position at your office where web development skills are not required but you’ve just been asked to edit a HTML website, this 30 minute video tutorial can be viewed during your own personal “lunch & learn”.
HTML5 Tutorial For Beginners HINT:
Think of HTML like a dictionary! You don’t have to memorize the entire book before you start speaking the language – just learn enough to get started and then continue to learn as you grow. Don’t think you have to know everything there is to know about HTML5 before you can start writing it. Just learn the basics in this HTML 5 Tutorial for Beginners in less than 30 minutes and you will be on your way!
This is my very FIRST tutorial video to ever make!!! Although I have taught in a classroom, I have never created and edited a video for a course. I am still learning (Camtasia Studio) and welcome your feedback on both the video presentation and my teaching style. Please leave a comment below and let me know what you think. If you would like for me to create more videos please hit the SUBSCRIBE button. Thank you for your reviews!
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