Intro to the Wix Realtime API

Learn how to use the Wix Realtime API to enable push capabilities on your Wix or Wix Studio site.

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If ever there was a time to say “with great power comes great responsibility”, it would be with the Realtime API. The Wix Realtime Velo API is enables you to add push capabilities to your website. This enables you to create custom chat, push notifications, and other message event functionality to your site. Before diving into building more complicated sites with message publishing and receiving capabilities, let’s learn the basics of the Wix Realtime Velo API. Learn when you need to use the frontend and backend APIs, how to create a message listener, and how to publish messages.

Note: Realitime API imports have been updated. Please see the documentation for more detail. The code in this video is otherwise accurate.

Realtime API ►
Realtime Tutorial ►
API Documentation ►


00:30 📡 Real-time APIs, like Wix’s, offer versatile applications such as push notifications, chat functionalities, and multi-user interactions, enhancing websites significantly.
03:18 🔗 Subscribing to channels and handling message events
04:27 📊 Tracking subscription IDs
06:46 📤 Utilizing backend APIs for message publishing in Realtime API setups enables sending messages to specific channels, facilitating multi-channel functionalities and tailored message distribution.
09:48 🌐 Real-time API functionalities extend beyond manual triggers, with potential for data-driven events like pushing new content or messages to users.

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