Is Your Website Ready Core Web Vitals?

In May of 2020, Google launched the Core Web Vitals Report inside of their Google Search console.

This new toolset aims to provide web developers and site operators and with a set of SEO tools and metrics capable of improving their website’s user experience and performance. Ultimately, the Google Core Web Vitals’ introduction is Google’s effort to help define metrics that measure which websites offer the overall best experience to the end-user. Each of these metrics is designed with Google’s user experience guidelines in mind.

Core Web Vitals

Core web vitals creates a complete picture of a user’s interaction with a website and makes it easier for Google to understand how visitors interact with a website by considering three key factors: LCP,CLS, and FID.

Largest Contentful Paint: Generally thought of as website latency

Cumulative Layout Shift: Generally thought of as page layout consistency

First Input Delay: Generally thought of as user experience.

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