Web Dev Roadmap for Beginners (Free!): https://bit.ly/DaveGrayWebDevRoadmap
π This JavaScript Full Course for Beginners is an all-in-one beginner tutorial and complete course full of nearly 8 hours of JavaScript code and instruction to level up your programming skills. Web development beginners should learn Vanilla JavaScript (what this course is) before moving to a JavaScript library or framework like React JS, Vue JS, Svelte, Angular or others.
β Become a full-stack web dev with Zero To Mastery Courses:
β Complete Web Developer Bootcamp: https://bit.ly/WebDevMaster
β Build 20 Javascript Portfolio Projects: https://bit.ly/20JSProjects
β Javascript: The Advanced Concepts: https://bit.ly/AdvancedJSCourse
π© Subscribe β https://bit.ly/3nGHmNn
π¬ Course Updates β https://courses.davegray.codes/
JavaScript Full Course for Beginners:
(0:00:00) Quick Start
(0:07:43) Link JavaScript to HTML
(0:15:16) Strings
(0:22:14) Numbers
(0:27:54) Math Methods
(0:32:57) Code Challenge
(0:40:04) If Statements
(0:46:10) Switch Statements
(0:49:39) Ternary Operators
(0:54:38) User Input
(1:04:37) Your First Game
(1:20:25) Loops
(1:36:19) Functions
(1:48:09) Scope β var, let, const
(2:05:28) Arrays
(2:33:47) Refactor the Game with Arrays
(2:51:52) Objects
(3:14:43) Classes
(3:45:34) JSON
(3:52:19) Handling Errors
(4:06:54) Document Object Model (DOM)
(4:42:06) Event Listeners
(5:21:07) Web Storage API
(5:39:40) Modules
(5:56:27) Higher Order Functions
(6:06:44) Promises / Fetch / Async & Await
(7:11:18) Regular Expressions
(7:33:06) Applying RegEx in JavaScript
Source Code Resources:
π Rock, Paper, Scissors version 1 (chapter 11):
π Rock, Paper, Scissors version 2 (chapter 16):
π Rock, Paper, Scissors version 3 (chapter 16):
π DOM Lesson (chapter 21) HTML & CSS source code: https://gist.github.com/gitdagray/dbe70d25d897662c1dc4f4c179883e01
π Event Listeners Lesson (chapter 22)
HTML: https://gist.github.com/gitdagray/7d1676f2503c987fe22e2a8c10926426
CSS: https://gist.github.com/gitdagray/cf6256c62fad399e056d8e7187950c73
Note: Youβll need to change display settings in the CSS for each example.
π Visual Studio Code: https://code.visualstudio.com/
π Further Reading:
Eloquent JavaScript: https://eloquentjavascript.net/
MDN Web Docs β JavaScript Basics: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/Getting_started_with_the_web/JavaScript_basics
Follow Me:
Github: https://github.com/gitdagray
Twitter: https://twitter.com/yesdavidgray
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/davidagray/
Blog: https://yesdavidgray.com
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/DaveOnEleven
β Buy Me A Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/DaveGray
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