Check out Jimdo for yourself. https://www.realwebsitehints.com/get/jimdo-1/
I have to say I was blown away by Jimdo. With in just over an hour I was able to make a really great looking website!
There are some limitations like I don’t see the ability to add a blog. Designs can’t be changed from the template options.
It makes up for those down sides by helping you to easily build a website. In my quick test here I think it makes great looking websites.
I’m looking forward to learning more about Jimdo and what it is capable of!
Want to see other website builder options? Check out my video on the best website builders: https://youtu.be/N8DlhWpId5U
Comming soon:
Jimdo Full Review:
Quickly and Easily build a Portfolio Website with Jimdo: https://youtu.be/YL-UYuPUfWI
Jimdo Restaurant Website Tutorial: https://youtu.be/u6u4hUIhucY
Jimdo Local Business Website Tutorial: