Learn Emmet In 15 Minutes – Double Your HTML Coding Speed


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Emmet is an incredibly powerful tool that allows me to write HTML and CSS at least twice as fast as I could before. Emmet is full of snippets for HTML and CSS which allow you to write a small line of code that will generate a bunch of HTML or CSS based on the Emmet code you wrote. It is built into VSCode and is something that you have most likely used without even realizing it. In this video I go in depth into how you can use Emmet and all the different snippets and syntax that you need to know.

πŸ“š Materials/References:

Emmet Cheat Sheet: https://docs.emmet.io/cheat-sheet

🧠 Concepts Covered:

– What Emmet is
– How to use Emmet
– The most important concepts in Emmet
– How to use Emmet in CSS

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#WebDevelopment #WDS #Emmet

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