Learn web development as an absolute beginner

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Want to learn to code? This video will cover a roadmap for beginners, with all the basic web development skills you will need to know.

00:00 Intro
00:50 What is Web Development
01:05 How Websites Work
01:37 Front-End And Back-End
02:43 Code Editor
03:27 Basic Front-End
03:39 HTML
04:13 CSS
04:43 JavaScript
05:02 Tools
05:12 Package Manager
05:51 Build Tools
06:34 Version Control
07:13 Additional Front-End
07:31 Sass
07:56 Responsive Design
08:33 JavaScript Frameworks
10:00 Basic Back-End
10:11 Server
11:08 Programming Language
11:33 Database


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