Our list of 10 must-have and totally free WordPress plugins for developers, to help you improve your workflow.
10+ FREE WordPress Plugins For Any Website: https://youtu.be/gvUUixBO6cg
Table of contents:
0:28 | Advanced Custom Fields
1:22 | Debug Bar
1:57 | Query Monitor
2:41 | Styleguide
3:34 | Theme Check
4:15 | User Switching
4:55 | Advanced CSS Editor
5:57 | Regenerate Thumbnails
6:36 | Log Deprecated Notices
7:06 | RTL Tester
Everyone working with WordPress code should have a set of nice and functional WordPress plugins for developers in his or her workflow. Of course, a good deal of it is a matter of personal preference too – a code editor that works for you just might not be so functional or helpful for me, and vice versa. In fact, even extremely popular services such as GitHub are not preferred or loved by a vast number of developers.
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ThemeIsle is the go-to source for the High-Quality WordPress Themes (both free & premium), and plugins every website owner needs. We’re passioned about all things WordPress, but we’re not afraid to tackle other web related subjects. Our goal is to give those websites easy-to-use themes and designs that can be managed by everyone.