This lesson is about using the Nicepage AI Website Builder. AI Builders are a quick and easy way to start. Just enter the site topic and short description, and you’ll get site pages, blocks, and texts faster by automating design and content generation.
0:00 Intro
0:14 About the Nicepage AI Website Builder
0:45 Start AI Page Builder
1:40 Enter Page Builder’s topic and description
1:55 Page Builder images
2:00 Generate website design ideas
2:43 Customize web page design
3:15 Start AI Block Builder
3:40 Review Block Builder’s topic and description
3:50 Generate web block design ideas
4:14 Customize web block design
4:25 Start AI Text Builder
4:55 Check Text Builder’s topic and description
5:05 Generate website text ideas
5:13 Choose website texts