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POSTMAN is one of the most used tool for testing API. In this tutorial, you will learn all the basics of Postman software which will help you to test different API. How to send GET, POST, PUT, DELETE requests, how to use query parameters, how to send files for testing and a lot of things.
Important Links
POSTMAN : http://postman.com
API Links : https://github.com/vdespa/introduction-to-postman-course/blob/main/simple-books-api.md
Rapid API Client : https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=RapidAPI.vscode-rapidapi-client&ssr=false#overview
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Postman Beginners Crash Course – Part 1 | API Testing | Introduction | Postman GUI | HTTP Requests Postman Beginner’s Course – API Testing Postman For Beginners (API Testing) Postman Beginner Tutorial 2022
API Testing Using Postman: Part 1 ( What is an API? )