This tutorial teaches PyCharm IDE in 45 mins with examples. PyChamr is an IDE to run Python programs with ease. It provides the programmers with code inspections, smart code completion, quick-fixes, code refactorings, etc. It is developed by JetBrains and comes in Professional and Community Editions. In this course, we have discussed the open-source PyCharm Community Edition. We have covered the following lessons with live running examples:
PyCharm Course Intro 00:00
PyCharm Introduction 00:33
Intall PyCharm on Windows 01:41
Install PyCharm on Mac 09:16
Install PyCharm on Linux 14:40
Configure Python Interpreter on PyCarm 22:24
Setup Numpy on PyCharm 26:16
Setup Pandas on PyCharm 27:50
Setup Matplotlib on PyCharm 29:27
Setup Seaborn on PyCharm 31:05
Setup SciPy on PyCharm 32:40
Setup PyGame on PyCharm 34:50
Set Dark Theme on PyCharm 36:53
Change fonts on PyCharm 37:55
Rename a project on PyCharm 39:29
Increase the font size of editor 41:09
Update any Python library on PyCharm 42:24
How to uninstall a library on PyCharm IDE 44:41
Update PyCharm on Windows 45:45
Python Tutorial (English): https://youtu.be/HakXpkXcjdI
Python Tutorial (Hindi): https://youtu.be/b97WsOM9BYg
#PyCharm #Python #AmitThinks
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I am Amit Diwan, a self-made Entrepreneur, running “Amit Thinks”, a Tech YouTube Channel. Also running an E-Learning website “studyopedia.com”. We publish videos in English and Hindi on Programming, Databases, and Web Dev Technologies. I have left a job offer from Accenture and 3 government jobs to follow my dream of being an entrepreneur.
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