How to create a blog website using React.js. Blog app React project from scratch for beginners. Design React blog app using functional React components and React Router Dom.
You are watching the first part. Here are the next parts:
Second Part (Rest API): https://youtu.be/OML9f6LXUUs
Third Part (MERN Stack): https://youtu.be/LelifxOrzvw
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Source Code: https://github.com/safak/youtube/tree/react-blog-ui
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0:00 Introduction
01:09 How to install a React App
04:33 React navbar tutorial
17:02 Creating React header
23:48 Using flexbox in React.js
26:39 React sidebar example
34:10 Blog post component
44:25 Single post component
58:35 Create a new post component
01:09:50 User settings component
01:22:00 React Login and Register Page
01:31:33 React Router Dom Tutorial
01:44:56 Outro