RUTHANN BOWEN of The Bowen Agency: Network to Grow a Web Design Business RUTHANN BOWEN Of The Bowen Agency (724) 230-6611: Networking Can Grow a Web Design Business
1:45 Ruthann gives the first tip on setting a goal
1:56 Ruthann defines a “one-on-one”
2:15 Ruthann talks about consistency
2:55 Here’s where viewers can get a free gift!

A lot of web designers want to know how to grow their business. They wonder about everything–from how get their name out there in the marketplace and how to find their ideal clients, to who can help them with their taxes. Many of them don’t know where to start.

Where can a web designer find people who can help “shift the dial” for their own business? Professionals who can help run your business, such as an accountant or a lawyer, are everywhere, but how do you get to know them? Joint ventures can be a great way to bring in new business. Where do you find people to collaborate with, like a great photographer or a copywriter, and how do you find your ideal clients?

Networking is the answer. For many people, attending a networking event means stepping out of their comfort zone. But as one of my favorite authors, Brian Tracy has said, move out of your comfort zone. You can only grow if you’re willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when trying something new.

The only way to get past this fear is to go out and attend an event. The secret to not feeling awkward or weird is to bring a friend. That way you know you’ll have someone to talk with when there’s some downtime.

People think networking is a place to hand everyone a business card–and that’s really not the point of networking. You have to be strategic about it. Don’t just show up and start shoving your business card into everyone’s hand.

Here are three ways you can be successful at networking:

Have a goal in mind. Know what you want to achieve before you arrive at a networking event. Maybe you want to find an accountant who can help you do your books, or maybe you need to find someone who is really good at coding.

Schedule a one-on-one. This is actually where the networking magic happens. What’s a one-on-one? A one-on-one is the follow-up meeting that you suggest to someone when you meet them at a networking event. You just basically meet with them after the event and get to know them a little bit better and see how the two of you could benefit from working together or collaborating.

The third thing is you need to be consistent. Networking does take time. So, don’t go once and expect great things. You really need to try a few different events and find your groove.

In all the networking I’ve done over the last two years, I’ve literally run into maybe two other web designers and they don’t even do what I do. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve met someone at a networking event and they’ve said to me, “Oh my gosh, our website needs your help.” When I look at my client list, at least 80 to 90 percent of my clients have come from networking. So, it’s a really nice sales funnel and referral funnel for me.

Now you’re equipped and empowered to use networking to grow your business. There’s more information on my website, including a free pdf download to use for any one-on-ones that you might schedule. Visit forward slash Networking. I wish everyone the greatest success!

For additional information on this topic, contact Ruthann Bowen at:

The Bowen Agency
(724) 230-6611

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