Everybody is looking for good news, information, maps and live data about this nasty Coronavirus, and probably for tools to display specific messages, live data and a world map on their WordPress websites.
So I decided to test some WordPress plugins that we can use for free to create COVID-19 banners, data tables, world maps and so on.
But before moving on I want to say that I wish you good health. Stay home, and be safe!
0:48 – https://wordpress.org/plugins/corona-update/
5:20 – https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-covid-19-data/
5:54 – Visualizer: http://bit.ly/GetVISUALIZER 5:54
6:41 – https://wordpress.org/plugins/corona-virus-covid-19-banner/
8:54 – https://wordpress.org/plugins/corona-virus-data/
Personally, I would use o combination of two or three plugins but that is not an option if you don’t want to use too many plugins on your site.
Information is very important for us these days but the more important thing we can do is to stay home and do our best to stop the virus expansion.
God bless you guys.
Keep up the good work and see you in the next video.
#Coronavirus #COVID19 #WordPressPlugin