Get specific fixes to accelerate results for your landing pages and marketing campaigns (to improve short-term performance) along with coaching to grow your team’s capabilities (to improve long-term performance) in a Quick Win Intensive with Flint McGlaughlin. Learn more at https://meclabs.com/QuickWinIntensive
❗This replay begins @ 2:05
Download a PDF copy (in two sizes) of the Infographic – the 21 psychological elements that power effective web design: http://meclabs.com/21elements
A webpage is an illusion. It is a series of zeros and ones that tell a screen to produce a series of tiny lights on a screen. It is the customer’s mind that translates those tiny lights into meaning. Our designs must account for this translation. We must ground our designs in the customer’s psychology or risk losing business. In this live broadcast, Flint McGlaughlin walks through a template for thinking through your web designs grounded in customer psychology.
Part 2: https://marketingexperiments.com/a-b-testing/the-21-psychological-elements-that-power-effective-web-design-part-2
Part 3: https://marketingexperiments.com/a-b-testing/the-21-psychological-elements-that-power-effective-web-design-part-3
Learn more from Flint with a MECLABS online marketing course.
Courses include certification in
• Online Testing
• Value Proposition Development
• Landing Page Optimization
• Email Messaging Optimization