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00:00 Intro
00:30 Easy to use – Drag & Drop
01:38 Many AI tools
02:39 3rd Party integration
03:19 Amazing performance
04:13 Price efficient
04:55 How to get a discount!
06:03 Outro
Check out the top 5 Zyro website builder features & get up to 86% off + 3 months free with any yearly plan for a limited time only. Use code SITESTARTERS or click the link below.
Top 5 Zyro Features added sponsored Transcript:
In today’s video, I wanted to go ahead and take you through the top five Zyro Website Builder feature. Now this video is going to cover in my opinion, the top five features, which I think are the best of Zyro website builder, those Ira Website Builder is essentially a super good super easy to use website builder and that is actually going to be the first number. The first in the top five is that it is easy to use. And it is easy to keep the grid based layout and use that layout to keep things super simple.
Zarah also provides a super nice drag and drop functionality to their users. What this basically means is that you’re going to be able to drag and drop and use a grid to connect and keep all of the pieces in one area and where you want them to stay. It’s actually super good for ease of use, which is a really big thing I find about website builders as a lot of times, they will actually be more complicated than they actually help.
So you’re not getting a super good return on investment by using them. But with Zyro. That’s way different. Now that also offer hundreds of website templates, which range from E commerce stores to landing pages. Now this is really good, because essentially Zyro lets you have all these different choices of pre made templates, which means you’re going to be able to pick a template and it will build pretty much the entire set up for you and all you have to do is customize it.
Now for point number two Zyro comes with actually a bunch of free AI or artificial intelligent tools. Now there are a bunch of tools you can use with Zyro that are artificially intelligent. But there are a few which I want to mention like for example an AI slogan generator, which will essentially help you generate an artificially intelligent slogan with your software. So it’s really, really good. If you need a slogan for your business, you can generate that with zero.
It also comes with an AI writer, an AI heat map, an AI Business Name Generator and blog title generator. So what this means is that all of these features are going to be super super good with Zyro. It gives you these features like for example, a blog generator, or a blog, title generator or writer. All of these are going to let you do less work on your website, while retaining the quality with these AI generators.
Now moving on to point number three Zyro does have third party integrations. So what this means is that it actually supports integrations to make your work way easier. All of these integrations together can be used with Zyro. So it’s sort of like an all in one platform. And it gives you that ability. Some of these integrations are actually stuck things like Facebook Messenger, Google ads, the Google Tag Manager, Google Pixel, and a lot more.
All of these can be integrated in different ways with Zyro, just so you can use them inside your website and in compatibility with your website. Now getting on to point number four, the performance is super good. Pages made with website builders are never expected to be very fast. And that’s actually, in my opinion, one of the major downsides. With website builders, however, Zyro has super solid performance, as opposed to a lot of their website building competition.
Zyro provides superfast websites that are responsive on all devices.
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