To watch the full video on, Squarespace vs Wix: Which Website Builder is Right for You?: https://youtu.be/2probvqVbr8
this video is just going through very briefly why I would choose Squarespace over Wix because that is a common comparison that people make Squarespace over Wix and a lot of people have built websites on Wix because that is what seemed to be the best beginner website platform and now they are converting to Squarespace I want to save you that headache of having to do the swap later and tell you why Squarespace is so amazing So Squarespace is so ahead of its time It’s always doing updates For instance now it’s just come out with Fluid Engine Builder which means it’s a drag and drop So you’re literally dragging an image You can make it bigger make it smaller and it’s just so easy to use
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