Why Should You Use Figma in Your Web Design Process. Check out more The Journey content at https://bit.ly/GDTheJourney.
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0:11 Why should you use Figma in your web design process?
1:03 What is Figma?
2:16 Why should you use Figma?
UX/UI designers solve problems to meet users and business needs simultaneously. They convert research insights into artifacts ranging from large (journeys, flows, sitemaps) to small (landings, wireframes, buttons). However, even the most extensive education won’t automatically turn you into an in-demand web designer. You’ll need to practice your design skills and learn the latest tools to build a successful career or business in web design.
Now, there are a lot of tools out there, but we’re going to talk about Figma.
What is Figma?
Figma is an interface design application that runs in the browser—but it’s actually much more than that. It’s one of the most revolutionary graphics editing apps that’s taking over the design world by storm. What makes it so attractive is the fact that it’s probably the best application for team-based collaborative design projects and it’s free to use.
Figma gives you all the tools you need for the design phase of the project, including vector tools that are capable of fully-fledged illustration, as well as prototyping capabilities, and code generation for hand-off.
If you’re still not familiar with this wondering web-based app or looking for tips on how to make the most of the software, you’ve come to the right place.
5 Reasons why you should use it
Reason #1: It’s incredibly fast
Reason #2: Components
Reason #3: Team Library
Reason #4: Updates, Support & Community
Reason #5: Version History
Figma is a browser-based UI and UX design application, with excellent design, prototyping, and code-generation tools. It’s currently (arguably) the industry’s leading interface design tool, with robust features which support teams working on every phase of the design process. If you haven’t already, try it!
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