When I made the video “Why you should NEVER start in Elementor, but in Adobe Xd (improve your web design process)” Not everybody agreed with me. That is why I visited a product design agency here in the Netherlands to ask them about their web design workflow. Are they agreeing with me? Or not? Let’s find out!
Thank you Strakzat for the look inside your web-design process:
→ Software that I use
Adobe Xd (design software): https://bit.ly/lwp-adobexd-yt
Hosting & Domain provider I use on all my websites: https://www.siteground.com/go/lwp-youtube
Elementor Free version (download link): https://elementor.com/thankyou/?ref=4590&campaign=download
Elementor Pro (all 3 packages have the same features, I have the $199 one): https://elementor.com/pricing/?ref=4590&campaign=youtube
The whole list of software that I recommend: https://livingwithpixels.com/links/
→ Hardware & Gear that I use for videos
Macbook Pro 13 inch: https://amzn.to/2LUjDbG
Camera: RX100 Mark 3: https://amzn.to/2qQlqag
Microphone: Fefine: https://amzn.to/38eBw0T
Chair & Sit/stand Desk: https://bit.ly/39fn6fs
→ Helpful for beginner
Elementor Basics in 10 minutes. Watch: https://youtu.be/E15iQEm9KF8
Elementor Pro Basics in 20 minutes. Watch: https://youtu.be/hNP6HOC1c-0
How to Install Elementor and WordPress. Watch: https://youtu.be/SKyoKk9T4g4
→ My social media
Instagram Livingwithpixels: https://www.instagram.com/livingwithpix/
Personal Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rinodeboer/
Some of the above links are affiliate links, which means that I earn a commission when you make a purchase via my link. Thanks a lot if you decide to do that! I couldn’t make all these videos without it.