Weekly Wix Tips- https://www.wixmywebsite.com/
Hire Me? – https://www.wixmywebsite.com/services
Wix Course- https://wix-academy.teachable.com/p/wix-my-website
Creating user profile pages in Wix has been made possible and fairly simple using the new Wix Code platform. Wix Code is not only changing web design as we know it for Wix, but also for the industry. This powerful tool is now enabiling so many new possibilities on the Wix platform. Once of which is the new ability to create user profile pages through databases, custom user input forms and dynamic pages. Even cooler, each dynamic profile page gets its own unique URL. Wix Code is changing the game.
Wix Code Beta Page- http://bit.ly/2v1EtxM
Wix Certified Trainer- https://www.wixmywebsite.com/wix-certified-trainer
Topics Covered:
-Weekly Wix Tips Email List
-Wix My Website New Design
-Creating Profile Pages in Wix using Wix Code
-Using Wix Code
-Signing Up For Weekly Wix Tips and Forum
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Wix My Website Series:
This Wix series will have multiple Wix tutorials uploaded EVERY WEEK of 2017! Email me for any Wix troubles you may have.