Make your website in 12 minutes with this Wix tutorial (2022) from zero to a final working site! Getting started, basics. 🔥MORE at https://theskillsfactory.com/
There is not a show or a playlist guide (unique video), unless you make requests.
This video was partially realized with the collaboration of Wix.com. We thank a lot for their initial support in this video realization.
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Make your website in 12 minutes with this Wix website tutorial (2022) from zero to a final working site! Getting started, basics.
00:00 Introduction
01:01 Start with Wix ADI
01:56 Website Structure
02:20 Edit Header – Part 1
02:52 Edit Theme
03:14 Edit Header – Part 2
04:18 Optimize Design
04:32 Page Layout
05:20 Manage Sections
06:10 Write a Post
08:01 Post Design
08:13 Form & Footer Section
08:59 Manage and Add Pages
09:43 Edit Menu
10:01 Publish Website
10:31 Wix Dashboard
Discover Wix.com, one of the best tools to create your website from scratch for both beginners and advanced users. You can make your website quickly and fast with loads of tools you can use and provided by Wix. With this wix tutorial you will discover everything you need build a website as you need most. Watch this wix website tutorial lasting 12 short minutes.
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