Check out our WordPress Tutorial for beginners. It is updated for 2019 and 2020. If you want to learn how to create a WordPress website, this is a great video to get started with. Whether you have questions about installing WordPress or how to use the platform to create your first website and your first blog, this video will get you started on the right foot. If you are looking for something specific, you can check out our time stamps below. You can skip ahead to 21:00 in the video to see the WordPress dashboard, everything beforehand has to do with finding website hosting and installing WordPress on your web host. Scroll down to the bottom for the URLs referenced in the video.
Important Video Times:
1:00 – How to set-up hosting for a WordPress website
8:11 – How to Install WordPress on any web host (this example shows Bluehost.
21:21 – Logging into WordPress and Applying Updates
22:56 – How to Install WordPress Plugins
34:27 – How to create WordPress blog posts
47:42 – How to Create WordPress Post Categories & Tags
51:27 – How to Install WordPress Themes and Customizations
59:45 – WordPress Theme Editor, WordPress Widgets, WordPress Menus, and Theme Options
1:10:13 – WordPress Media
1:11:40 – WordPress Pages and Creating a Homepage
1:16:17 – WordPress Comments
1:17:30 – WordPress Users
1:21:04 – WordPress Tools
1:24:30 – WordPress Settings
WordPress Tutorial Video Description:
Our WordPress for Beginners video goes through the process of finding web hosting, choosing a web host, choosing a hosting plan, how to install WordPress, how to login to your WordPress website, how to apply plugin updates and WordPress updates, finding your WordPress dashboard, installing and managing WordPress plugins, how to find the top-rated WordPress plugins, how to create blog posts in WordPress, how to create blog post categories and tags in WordPress, how to install a WordPress theme, how to find free WordPress themes, how to find premium WordPress themes, how to customize your WordPress theme with Customizations, Theme Editor, Widgets, Menus, and Theme Options, adding, editing, and managing WordPress media, how to create WordPress pages and create a homepage and a separate blog on your website, how to manage comments, how to manage WordPress users, utilizing WordPress tools, and changing WordPress settings.
A lot of beginners wonder how to make a WordPress website, so I’m going through a simple step-by-step process for creating your website and some of the most important aspects to learn about the WordPress platform.
Common WordPress Questions:
How do I create a WordPress website?
You need web hosting first and I would recommend getting a custom domain name. Once you have your website hosting plan, you can install WordPress for free. All you need to do is download the latest version of WordPress from here: https://wordpress.org/download/. Then, you can install WordPress on your web host, install a theme, and set-up your website.
How do I create a free WordPress website?
You can get started with a free plan at https://wordpress.com/, but there are major limitations. You can still create a beautiful website, but it will use a WordPress domain name and it will have ads on the page. I would recommend investing a small amount of money to get a domain name and a web hosting plan with Bluehost, HostGator, or another provider and then installing WordPress.
How much does it cost to create a WordPress website?
It can cost as low as $3/month with the right web host.
Can I have 2 websites on WordPress?
Yes, once you have a hosting plan you can create multiple WordPress websites. Some hosting plans, especially dedicated hosting plans, have enough resources to host 5-10 WordPress websites that get traffic and have a lot of files.
Is WordPress hard to learn?
It takes time to learn the WordPress platform, but it is something that you will learn very quickly. In addition, there are advanced options in WordPress that you can learn as you continue to learn WordPress.
Is WordPress easy to use?
Yes, there is a learning curve, but within a week or two you will get used to the platform and after several months of use it will become second nature to use WordPress.
Is a WordPress website free?
You can create a free WordPress website, but you are better off making a small investment to host your WordPress website and pick out a custom domain name.
Helpful URLs:
WordPress Home: https://wordpress.org
WordPress Free Download: https://wordpress.org/download/
How to install WordPress: https://wordpress.org/support/article/how-to-install-wordpress/
Best WordPress plugins by Kinsta: https://kinsta.com/best-wordpress-plugins/
Best WordPress plugins 2019 by ThemeGrill: https://themegrill.com/blog/best-wordpress-plugins/
Free WordPress Themes: https://wordpress.org/themes/browse/featured/
Premium WordPress Themes: https://themeforest.net