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YouTube SEO Ranking 2021 – How to Rank Your Videos on YouTube using SEO in 2021
Lots of SEO pros are wanting to know how ranking videos on YouTube works, we at s.media are here to help you and your team learn the best methods and strategies for ranking video quickly at the top of search listings on Google and YouTube itself.
So if you are looking to build your channels and increase your rankings in search and suggested listings at the top of YouTube by using YouTube SEO is one of the best SEO strategies you can put in place.
Why should you be using YouTube SEO and trying to rank videos, why will this be so good in the future? Branding, views, engagement, authority listings and TRUST. Once your business is ranking for significant keywords and phrases loads of additional good things happen, mainly you’ll find people searching come across your content easily and consistently – which leads to an ongoing stream of inbound enquiries and new business from your YouTube SEO ranking efforts
We can help you understand what steps you need to put in place in order for your ranking on YouTube to increase quickly and predictably. There are a few simple steps including the right content, subtitles, meta, descriptions and tags, but the most important metric as far as YouTube is concerned is engagement. Once people are watching your videos we need them to stick and watch as much as possible, we want your view through percentage to be high and watch time in total minutes to also be high (compared to the videos you are trying to beat in the ranking competition).
Ranking your videos on YouTube using YouTube SEO techniques will also have the added benefit of ranking your website in search on Google itself. We are seeing a massive shift toward video being the preferred content that Google ranks above blogs and normal website pages, video is so important in SEO right now as Google moves towards voice search, video is the bridge from traditional text-based search to voice. Getting your video ranking strategy working hard now for your business will reap rewards for a long time into the future.
If you are really serious about mastering YouTube SEO, go to:
To watch again this video click here: https://youtu.be/a3XBRRibOG0
⏰ Timecodes in This Video ⏰
0:00 – Intro
0:12 – What are the tools for video SEO?
1:31 – How can I improve my SEO ranking?
2:53 – What’s the most effective SEO tactic?
4:50 – How SEO works step by step
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s.media | measurable results with YouTube Ads – Learn YouTube SEO