11 Best free plugins for WordPress website 2023 | Must have wordpres plugins | Plugins for bloggers
In this video, I have mentioned many things like “What are plugins?” and I have also covered best plugins for WordPress websites or blogs in 2023.
I have discussed plugins to increase your SEO score, increase website speed, how index articles quickly or how protect website from hacking or spammy comments.
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Plugins for bloggers
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Are you looking for some purpose-oriented free WordPress plugins to improve your website? Then you might find our collection quite useful!
We’ve handpicked the best WordPress plugins that can enhance your website in terms of:
And the best part is that these plugins are entirely free, professional solutions that either have been around for many years or are growing in popularity at the speed of light.
So this post is particularly suitable for:
WordPress newbies
Those who want to improve their websites in the new Gutenberg WordPress era (the WordPress tide is turning, and the switch to Gutenberg is inevitable)
Everyone who’s looking for site-agnostic, not niche-specific free WordPress plugins.