Web Development In 2023 – A Practical Guide

Updated 2024 Version – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8sXRyHI3bLw

This is an in-depth guide that goes over every major technology that has to do with web development, from languages to frameworks to utilities.

Content Guide Of Videos/Courses:

Premium eBook Version:

Design For Developers Repo:

My Web Development Courses:


0:00 – Intro
1:30 – About This Guide
3:38 – Overall Goals
6:23 – Types Of Web Developers
9:05 – The Essentials
13:55 – HTML & CSS
19:44 – JavaScript
23:17 – Sass & Post CSS
25:23 – CSS Frameworks
28:27 – UI Design Principles
30:57 – Design Software
33:01 – Tools & Utilities
39:19 – Helpful AI Tools
42:15 – Front-End Deployment
45:27 – Foundational Front-End Developer
48:54 – Your Next Path
51:56 – Front-End Build Tools
55:12 – Front-End Frameworks & Ecosystems
57:50 – React
1:01:24 – Vue
1:03:53 – Angular
1:06:08 – Svelte
1:07:57 – SolidJS
1:09:58 – TypeScript
1:11:48 – UI Kits & Component Libraries
1:15:01 – Testing
1:16:43 – Web APIs
1:18:56 – Full-Stack Frameworks
1:25:36 – Static Site Generators
1:30:26 – Headless CMS
1:34:02 – The Jamstack
1:24:38 – Alpine,js & Lit
1:36:41 – Visualization & Animation
1:38:33 – No-Code Tools
1:40:02 – Front-End Superstar
1:42:13 – Server-Side Languages
1:50:29 – Server-Side Frameworks
2:05:35 – Relational vs NoSQL Databases
2:09:02 – Database Management Systems
2:19:12 – ORM (Object Relational Mapping)
2:22:11 – REST API & GraphQL
2:25:15 – Authentication & Authorization
2:28:54 – Full-Stack & Back-End Deployment
2:32:47 – DevOps Skills
2:37:06 – Back-End / Full-Stack Superstar
2:39:57 – Mobile Development
2:43:18 – Progressive Web Apps (PWA)
2:44:03 – Desktop Applications
2:46:17 – Web Assembly (WASM)
2:47:25 – Advanced AI
2:50:44 – Web3
2:52:58 – Outro

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