Best Website building walkthrough Jan 2022

Did you hear❓ Mobile users are five times more likely to leave a site it’s not mobile friendly❗

The key information they are looking for is the name, address, phone number, and hours of operation.

According to Google, all this information should be found on the location page.
The location page needs to have a mobile-friendly or responsive format with large touchable buttons which your existing website may not have.

And there’s something else searching for your business’s location online too.
Googlebot is another search engine.

If they’re struggling to find the right information, users won’t be able to find you. What search engines like Google want from a location page is a responsive layout with information formatted according to their technical Webmaster guidelines.

To optimize digital marketing this information needs to be clear for users and search engines.

Most businesses have websites. But few check all the criteria for an optimal profile.
Presence builder solves this for you. It creates a mobile-friendly and responsive location page as you enter your business information.

The pages have a clean layout, here to Google standards, and are always up to date with your current information. You can easily customize this page to match your website branding.

It’s simple you need a location page to be found. One more way presence builder helps your customers find you

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