WordPress Bluehost Tutorial for Beginners – Build a Website with Bluehost in 10 Mins.
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It’s become surprisingly easy to build a website from scratch even if you have no technical skills.
By the end of this Bluehost WordPress Tutorial, you will have a complete website live on the internet in just 5 easy steps.
Timestamps, click below to skip ahead!
00:00 – Intro
00:25 – Step 1. Get Bluehost Discount Coupon
02:17 – Step 2. Login to WordPress
02:55 – Step 3. Install a WordPress Theme
04:37 – Step 4. Edit Your Website
09:07 – Step 5. Launch Your Website
Step 1 is to Get Hosting and a Domain
To get hosting and a domain, I use and recommend Bluehost because they are the best and most reliable option.
And I’ve organised a pretty cool discount to you save some money:
Bluehost Discount Coupon Code ➜ https://www.websitesosimple.com/bluehost
Step 2 is to Login to WordPress
Wordpress makes it very easy to create a website without coding.
With Bluehost, WordPress is preinstalled on your website, saving your a step
To login into WordPress, click “WordPress” from your bluehost account.
This will take you to your WordPress dashboard where you can edit your website.
Step 3 is to Install a New Theme
Installing a new WordPress theme will make your website look much better.
The theme I recommend is “astra” because it has dozens of free designs for you to choose from.
Step 4 is to Edit Your Website
It’s very easy to make a website look exactly how you want.
Just open the page you want to edit and click “Edit with Elementor” to start making changes instantly.
Step 5 is to Launch Your Website
This is the most exciting step
Because a website is such a unique and powerful way to connect with the world.
To launch your site, click the “coming soon” button at the top of the page and then click “launch your site”.
Congratulations your site is now live!
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