It’s one thing to rank really high on Google but it’s another thing to actually maintain and keep your rankings. So how do you ensure that when you spend all this time doing SEO and ranking for competitive key terms, like I am here, how do you ensure that you actually maintain and keep your rankings? Today I’m going to teach you how to protect your SEO rankings.
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So the first thing I want you to do is actually Google the term “google search console”. And once you do that, you’ll see some results like this. The second link will be welcome to Google Search Console.
For you, it may be the number one link. Click on it. And once you click on it, I want you to add your site to Google Search Console. Now, if you’ve already added your site to Google Search Console, great, you can skip this step and you can fast forward it in the video. But if you haven’t, I’m just going to show you how to do it.
I’ve already added neilpatel. So I’m going to make up a domain name like neilkpatel and click continue. Check verification. And then you verify, or you can verify it later and then once you do that and you’re within Google Search Console and you verify your site, it really is that simple. Then you can go and select your property. So I’m going to end up selecting neilpatel.com. And as you can see here, once you select neilpatel.com or your own website, you’ll see your traffic over time.
It’ll show you if there’s any issues with things like AMP or if there’s issues with breadcrumbs. But I know it’s hard and cumbersome to log into Google Search Console each and every single day and you may forget. So I want you to do something really simple. When you sign up, you log in, you add your website. What you’ll find is on a monthly basis, you’ll get emails from Google Search Console.
Here’s my April numbers, clicks, impressions, your new top content, your top performing gains, your how do people find you, top performing queries, learn about your audience. What I like looking at is new top growing queries.
Those are terms that you can focus on and it just gives you a rough overview. But here’s what’s interesting if I go back to the search results, Google will tell you when there’s issues with your website that they see.
Now, this doesn’t guarantee that your rankings are going to stay at this top but it increases the chances that you stay at the top and you maintain your rankings over time. Or if you’re not there, it at least increases your odds that you will rank higher.
For example, here’s the issue that they detected, breadcrumb issues on neilpatel.com. And I’ll send these emails to my developer or I’ll it myself, if I know how to, and it gives you information on the heir and then when you fix it, then you just validate that heir. And it’ll tell you that they’re validating it. And they’ll even tell you if they’ll accept it or not. And they’ll constantly tell you when there’s issues.
So for example, you saw the breadcrumb issue , and right here, here’s another one, AMP, this is the mobile friendly pages, AMP issues detect on neilpatel.com. Referenced AMP URL is not an AMP in essence page. So something that I was sent to my developers to fix or I can do it myself.
And when you submit for errors, if you validated them and everything goes well, great, you know, and constantly tell you, “all right, it’s fixed”. Like here is coverage issues detected another one, 500 error on the server. So went in and fixed that and submitted it, and when I submitted it sometimes, for the 500 errors, it says some fixes failed. And when I say some fixes failed, then I go, and then I try to validate and fix it again.
But if you do this and you constantly do this, what you’ll find is over time, you’ll fix each and every single one of those issues that Google is seeing on your site, which will then increase the odds that you’ll maintain your rankings.
And if you’re not ranking that well, if you fix all the issues that they continually send you, over time your ranking should climb as well. And if you just do this, it’s a great way to just ensure that you rank a little bit higher at least maintain a little bit more rankings and have less fluctuations over time.
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