Learning Web Development Part-1 Telugu..

Welcome to [vinaii vc]! In this video, we explore web development concepts, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and best coding practices. This tutorial is intended for educational purposes only.

πŸš€ What You’ll Learn:
βœ… What is web Development
βœ… What is front end
βœ… What is backend
βœ… what is HTML

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πŸ“Œ Disclaimer:
This video is strictly for educational and informational purposes. It does not promote or encourage any unethical activities. We respect all platforms’ policies and guidelines.

#LearnPythonInTelugu #PythonInTelugu #PythonForBeginners #motivation #webdevelopment #webdeveloper #java #javaprogramming
(00:21): Introduction to Computers
(0:34 -1:30): What is web development ?
(4:43 – 6:00): what is HTML(in basics)?

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