Minute Review: Everything Wrong With Squarespace

By the time you realize Squarespace isn’t for you it’s usually too late!

Squarespace takes advantage of the common persons ignorance surround we host and web design. They know you’ll see them at the top of google and use them instead of knowing how to research better alternatives. This is blatantly dishonest.

I will always regret the years of time I spent using their service only to be scammed out of all my hard work and money when they wouldn’t migrate my website.

Don’t make a huge mistake like me and many others.

Just start everything off by using a proper web host and website content management system. Then, you’ll release yourself of the shackles of squarespace because you just gave your web team the ability to spread their wings.

Seriously though. Using a proper service like WordPress allows you way more options when it’s comes to front end design, SEO, social media integration, and third party plugin support. There’s also a massive community that uses WordPress so you can always find answers online.

I literally don’t know a single web designer who uses squarespace.
We all use WordPress and DIVI!

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