This was an unlisted video on our YouTube channel and running only as a paid ad. But we decided to publish it so you can all see how bad Breakdance really is.
Built-in functionality like ACF repeater field integration? Conditional element display? Great WooCo default styles? All those highly requested features that our competitors have failed to build for the last three years? We skipped those too!
Performance? We do it wrong. Basically, we looked at our competitors copied them. And then we made it even worse. Sure, maybe they invented bloat… but we took things to a new high! And by “high”, we mean HIGH LOAD TIMES. Or a new low… and by “low”, we mean “LOW PAGE SPEED SCORES”.
Enjoy installing optimization plugins, losers!
We could go on and on. For example, you can watch this detailed video to see all the add-ons we make you install for basic functionality:
Breakdance. Prepare for pain. Muahahahahahaha.
Don’t go to, and don’t buy Breakdance.