Being SEO Beginner, want to know How to Rank 1 on Google – Here is step by step SEO Tutorial for Beginners. Learn SEO for Beginners: How to Rank 1 on Google in 2021? (Step by Step SEO Tutorial).
Learn SEO for Beginners: https://learndigitalwithrahul.com/start-seo
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YouTube SEO for Beginners: https://YouTubeSEOAcademy.com
If you ever wondered how you can get free organic traffic by ranking 1 on Google search rankings, then you need to watch this video. Because in this video, I have shown 5 Proven SEO tips to Rank 1 on Google search.
Though I have shown the exact SEO strategy I used to rank 1 on Google for highly competitive target keyword, yet the good thing is: you can use the same Search Engine Optimization technique to rank number 1 for any keyword.
If you implement these SEO tips and techniques learned from “SEO for Beginners” step-by-step tutorial, you can outrank your competition and not only rank 1 on Google Maps but also Google search.
These powerful SEO tips are not only effective for Google search rankings, but also Bing search rankings, and other search engine rankings.
In this video, you’ll learn how to rank #1 on Google so that you can get tons of free organic traffic. In the last part of this video, I’ll teach how to take any webpage from 2nd page to page 1 of Google search rankings.
Also, you’ll come to know about a little secret to instantly increase your Google rankings even if you are an SEO beginner.
But there is a catch here! Unless you watch each and every SEO tips I’m sharing in this video, you are not going to rank #1. Because, Google rankings algorithms work on more than 200 ranking factors – so learning each of these SEO tips will increase the chances of your #1 Google rankings.
Yes, search engine optimisation has changed a lot in the past few years. Earlier, Search Engine Optimisation was easy.
But now, you must avoid keyword stuffing. For example, if my target keyword is: SEO for Beginner and if I write like this:
“SEO for beginners may look tough when you are getting started in SEO as a beginner. But once you learn basic SEO tips for beginners, learning advanced SEO tips becomes easy. Because you no longer look like an SEO beginner.”
This is called keyword stuffing. And this is bad for Google search rankings.
So what powerful SEO tips are good for Google search rankings? And how to rank #1 on Google?
Do you want to rank #1 on Google? Here is the step by step SEO tutorial for beginners:
Step 1:
First step to rank #1 on Google is: Decide what keywords you want to rank for. When people say #1 ranking on Google, they want to be seen on top in Google but it’s surprising they don’t even know what keywords they want to rank for and what would a #1 ranking mean for them.
Step 2:
Once you have got the target keywords you want to rank for, the next step to rank #1 on Google is: Search for the same keyword in Google and analyze the top 10 search results for that keyword. Try to understand the factors behind the first page ranking of those web pages.
Step 3:
The step #3 for getting #1 ranking on Google which is: promote your blog post everywhere. You can create the best content out there but if you don’t promote it, no one is going to read. And it has been scientifically proven that social promotion has direct correlation with Google search rankings.
Step 4:
Then the fourth step to ranking #1 in Google search is: Niche down your blog to very specific topics.
Step 5:
Create a list of all keywords from Google search console data and expand your keyword list by finding LSI keywords and then rewrite the article adding them naturally to create even more detailed article.
When you do so, you’ll see that you are slowly climbing up in the Google search rankings, and eventually rank on top in Google.
Bonus SEO tips to instantly boost your search ranking: Watch the video completely 😂😉
Subscribe for more such SEO tips and tricks: https://learndigitalwithrahul.com/youtube
How to Get Free Blog Traffic to New Blog Fast without SEO?: https://youtu.be/8jjMIP675lI
5 Easy Free Traffic Sources to Get Free Website Traffic (Fast): https://youtu.be/zYreCOIno38
SEO for Beginners complete playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLM4_6yZyXxBodV3lqkbhSg6dbHwY–nZL
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