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Of course, you want to work smart.
And you know What?
With on-page SEO, there are a few tactics that will make up the majority of your result.
Today I’m going to share with you three on-page SEO hacks that’ll skyrocket your Google rankings.
For those of you who don’t know what on-page SEO is, they are the changes that you make on your website, with your code, to get higher rankings on Google.
Google’s a computer.
When it’s crawling your website, it has to read code.
You’ve seen the Matrix; it’s kind of like that.
They’re crawling to figure out what your website is all about, and you can make changes, but today, I’m going to share with you three that’ll help boost your on-page SEO and your Google rankings.
Tip #1: Use Google Search Console.
Click on search analytics; you’ll see what pages are getting rankings, how many clicks, how many impressions, and your click-through rate.
You want to look at the ones that have a high impression count, but low click-rate.
That means people see your listing, but they’re not clicking on it.
Adjust your title tag and meta descriptions.
Add an appealing sentence, that includes keywords, and you’re much more likely to get clicks.
It’s not about stuffing keywords everywhere.
You have to make sure it’s readable for humans.
If you’re using WordPress, you can adjust your title, and your description, using the Yoast SEO plugin.
After 30 days, check to see if your click-rate went up, or down.
If your click-through rate goes up, Google will know to rank your page higher.
That’s how you can keep increasing your Google rankings, slowly but surely.
It’s a grind, it’s not that hard of a change, but it’s a grind in which it takes a long time before the rankings increase from it, but it’s one of the best ways to grow your traffic.
The cool part about Google Search Console is it shows you all of the keywords that you’re getting impressions for.
You can add in the ones that get a high-impression count, and ignore the ones that are low-impression count.
#2: Make sure your website is super fast.
If your server is slow, it doesn’t matter how clean-coded your website is; your site isn’t going to load fast.
Don’t get that cheap five dollar hosting solution, pay for something decent.
I’m on WP Engine, it’s expensive, but my site loads fast.
The other thing you want to do, as I mentioned, is a content delivery network.
That way if someone in India is coming to see your website, they’re getting your site pulled from a server in India.
It’ll load so much faster for them, versus them having to wait for the internet signal to pick it all the way up from the server in, let’s say, North America.
You want to make sure that your server is close to them, and no, you don’t have to buy servers all around the world; rather you want to use a content delivery network, like Akamai, and that will ensure your website loads super fast.
Make sure you’re also using Google’s AMP framework, so if someone’s on a mobile device, it’ll load your site super fast.
I don’t care if someone has a 4G or LTE phone.
Sometimes you’re in an area that has terrible reception, so having an AMP-compatible website ensures that it loads super fast.
I’ve heard a lot of people say if you have an AMP-compatible site, traffic skyrockets.
I’ve found that it usually doesn’t, in regions like North America, Canada, Australia, United Kingdom, but I found my traffic from places like Brazil, has gone up tremendously, once I implemented AMP protocol.
#3: Theme-out your website.
Let’s say your website is about SEO, stick with just SEO.
Don’t go from SEO to TV ads to radio ads.
By having a site that’s very specific on one theme, you’re going to do way better.
After Google’s Hummingbird update, websites that are super detailed and thorough on one topic, are much more likely to have more knowledge on that subject and rank higher than sites that are all over the place.
If you follow these tips, you’ll do exceptionally well.
If you’re not sure how to theme your site, leave a comment below, share your URL, ask a question about theming, and I’ll respond, helping you out.
Anything I can do to help you, just let me know, and I truly am here to help you with your marketing needs.