How to use a custom background image for your Squarespace header // Header Background Image Tutorial

You can use your own image for the header of your Squarespace site – and have a custom one for mobile too! All you need is the CSS in this…

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How to customize the audio player in Squarespace // Squarespace CSS Tutorial

Just getting started with Squarespace CSS? Awesome! 😍 I want to teach you the basics – grab my free Getting Started Guide here 👉 — 🥳 Ready to launch…

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How to style lightbox forms in Squarespace using custom CSS // Squarespace CSS Tutorial

Just getting started with Squarespace CSS? Awesome! 😍 I want to teach you the basics – grab my free Getting Started Guide here 👉 — 🥳 Ready to launch…

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Top 4 Squarespace Hacks

Is your website on Squarespace or are you thinking of setting up your website on Squarespace? I’m giving you my 4 best Squarespace tips your website needs!

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How to create a rotating image card in Squarespace // Text on hover CSS tutorial for Squarespace

Just getting started with Squarespace CSS? Awesome! 😍 I want to teach you the basics – grab my free Getting Started Guide here 👉 — 🥳 Ready to launch…

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How to create custom bullet points in Squarespace // Squarespace Tutorial

Just getting started with Squarespace CSS? Awesome! 😍 I want to teach you the basics – grab my free Getting Started Guide here 👉 — 🥳 Ready to launch…

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How to Create Multiple Buttons for Image Blocks in Squarespace // Squarespace CSS Tutorial

Sometimes one button just isn’t enough! In this tutorial, we’ll use some custom code to add multiple buttons to an image block, using the active link option in the text….

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Create a Secondary Navigation | Squarespace 7.1

Spend wayyyy too much time trying to customize your client’s Squarespace website? 🧐 Save time and your sanity by avoiding these three COSTLY mistakes that EVERYONE makes when finding code…

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How to install CSS on one page in Squarespace 7.1 // CSS on a Single Page in Squarespace 7.1

Just getting started with Squarespace CSS? Awesome! 😍 I want to teach you the basics – grab my free Getting Started Guide here 👉 — 🥳 Ready to launch…

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Add a Vertical Line to Squarespace

In this video, I show you how to add a vertical line to squarespace. For the code used in the video go to For more code snippets to help…

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