Today I’m going to talk about what I call the Hidden Laws of SEO. When it comes to SEO, a lot of the advice that SEO training courses and SEO experts out there (myself included) offer can be really helpful. But Google is a big black box. If you don’t understand the hidden rules that are reshaping the search landscape from hereon, you’re not going to do well.
3 SEO Tips for Voice Search Optimization: Get Ahead of the Competition NOW (video): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UpaOahLBmFQ
SEO in 2019 What Will and Won’t Work (video): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0joqcqpiO4
Why Your Brand Name is the Best SEO Hack You’ve Got (article): https://neilpatel.com/blog/branding-seo-hack/
The Definitive Guide to Voice Search: How to Beat Your Competitors to the Punch (article): https://neilpatel.com/blog/voice-search-success/
Google Trends: https://trends.google.com/
So how do you get rankings?
Through experimentation.
But even if you experiment, it doesn’t guarantee success because of the three unseen laws of SEO.
Most people think SEO is about building the backlinks, doing these on-page SEO tactics, and all the advice that I’m telling you and other experts are telling you.
But the issue is, if you’re not leveraging the other things that people aren’t talking about that Google is really focusing on, especially in the future, you’re not going to do well.
And the first one is brand queries.
Eric Schmidt once said a quote and he was talking about brands are the solution. That’s how you separate the good companies from the bad companies. And I’m butchering his quote because I haven’t memorized it.
If you built a brand you’re going to be better off. You’re hearing about fake new all over the web. It’s not just a problem with Facebook. It’s a problem with Google and every social site out there as well. So they wanna focus on the good quality content. The good sites that aren’t pushing out this junk that’s duping people.
If you use Google Trends and you type in your brand name versus any of the other competitors, you’ll see how popular your brand is. In essence, Google is giving you the free tool that’ll show you if your brand is going up and to the right, is flat, or is going down.
When I wasn’t getting too many brand queries, I had the hardest time ranking for the query ‘online marketing’. Without building any extra links, without changing any of my content, the moment my brand queries started increasing, I shot up to the top of page one for the term online marketing.
The second unseen law of SEO I have for you is user experience.
If you’re user experience sucks, people go to your site, they bounce back because they don’t find what they’re looking for. You’re not going to rank well in the long run. Google’s using what they call user metrics. Time on site, dwell time, are people hitting the back button right when they come to your site. Is it a lot of pages views per visitor?
If users aren’t happy with the experience on your website, you’re not going to do well.
So don’t just think about SEO’s, optimize your site, building links, writing amazing content. You also need a good product and a good service. Having a good product and service helps with the user experience.
People like Dropbox and Slack, companies like that, have done well not because of their SEO first. Even Airbnb, not because of their SEO first. They’ve all done well because they’ve tried to create the best user experience for people.
The third unseen law of SEO is, SEO’s going to adapt and as long as you adapt with it you’re going to be fine but most people aren’t.
I talk about things like voice search. According to Comscore, in 2020, half the searches will be voice search. But yet, no one really cares to read about that or talk about it because voice search isn’t that appealing to people.
Google Home is connected to your whole home, even your microwave, your oven. As you’re cooking on your oven, you can end up saying, “Hey Google, what are some recipes for pasta?” I’m making it up, I don’t cook but you get the point.
That’ll end up pulling from search results.
If you don’t adapt with technology and where the world is going, you’re going to be left behind and you’re not going to rank well in the long run. So as long as you follow those three rules, you’ll do well.
But the moment you don’t, no matter how much SEO you do, you won’t rank at the top and if you do, it’ll only be temporarily.
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