Check out the full blog post here: http://retipster.com/best-wordpress-themes-real-estate-agents-investors
For more information on each of these themes, you can find the sales pages and demo content for each one through these affiliate links…
2:17 AgentPress Pro: http://retipster.com/agentpress
4:10 Agent Focused Pro: http://retipster.com/agentfocused
5:46 HomePro: http://retipster.com/homepro
7:12 Hometown: http://retipster.com/hometown
8:46 WP Residence: http://retipster.com/wpresidence
10:26 DreamVilla: http://retipster.com/dreamvilla
11:30 Solus: http://retipster.com/solus
12:35 Real Places: http://retipster.com/realplaces
13:50 Bellaina: http://retipster.com/bellaina
15:18 Landmark: http://retipster.com/landmark
When you’re building a real estate website with a basic, out-of-the-box WordPress content management system – one of the most important things you can invest in is a well-designed and easy-to-use WordPress theme.
Luckily, there are A LOT of great WordPress themes available for those of us in the real estate industry. Whether you’re an investor, realtor, broker, property manager, landlord or fill-in-the-blank… chances are there’s a solid WordPress theme somewhere out there that can be tailored to suit your specific purpose.
The problem is – most real estate professionals are NOT professional web designers. We don’t necessarily know what to look for in a great theme, and even if we did – most of us have no idea where to find all the best options on the market today.
With this in mind, I’ve taken some time to identify what I believe are ten of the highest-rated, widely-used and most flexible real estate WordPress themes available today. These themes were selected based on five key criteria…
1. High Ratings & Reviews
I’ve used a few of these themes in the past, but not all of them. Since there’s no way I could ever get enough hands-on experience with all of these options, I’m placing a heavy emphasis on the number of high ratings the each of these themes has received. Essentially, a theme can’t make it on this list unless it received at least a 4.5 out of 5 stars.
2. Ongoing Updates
Not all WordPress themes are created and supported by well-respected developers who continually release updates to keep their themes fully compatible with the latest version of WordPress. While this kind of ongoing attention-to-detail is never guaranteed, the themes below are coming from marketplaces and developers that are generally known for this kind of continual updating of their products.
3. Detailed Documentation and Ease of Use
If you’re not overly familiar with the inner-workings of WordPress, it can be a real challenge to figure out how to work with certain themes and get them to display exactly the way you want them to.
Unfortunately, most WordPress themes (even the paid ones) don’t come with much (if any) one-on-one support to get your site in final working order. To the extent possible, this list contains themes that come with some sort of clear instructions and (when possible) support.
4. SEO Friendly
Your choice of WordPress theme can have a major impact on the “SEO friendliness” of your website. The built-in search engine optimization features that come with a WordPress theme can definitely play an important role in your website’s ability to be tracked and monitored by search engines. With this in mind, these themes all come with some element of on-site SEO features that can be used to improve your websites search-ability.
5. Supported Plugins
Part of what makes WordPress such a great website platform is the fact that it can be integrated with plugins. A plugin is a piece of software that can be used to extend the functionality or add helpful new features to your WordPress site.
Not all themes will support every plugin. This is why it’s important to choose a theme that will be able to work with the plugins that will boost your website’s performance to the level you need to serve your prospects and customers.