I have recently deleted my SEO PLUGIN rank math and in this video I’ll explain why. In the past, I have used Yoast SEO and Rank Math to help rank and index my content in Google Serps. However, these days Google AI technology enables your content to be ranked and found without the need for any plugins slowing your site down.
As long as you manually submit an XML Site map, Google will do the rest and do a much better job than you can.
It will also provide and show a better Meta Title and description for you in the search results.
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Is passive income a swear word? https://carlbroadbent.com/passive-income/
Is being an online entrepreneur worth it? https://carlbroadbent.com/is-being-an-online-entrepreneur-worth-it/
Can AI software write stories? https://carlbroadbent.com/can-ai-software-write-stories/
Building websites for long-term income : https://carlbroadbent.com/building-niche-websites-for-long-term-passive-income/
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DISCLAIMER: I am not a financial adviser. These videos are for educational purposes only. Investing of any kind involves risk. While it is possible to minimize risk, your investments are solely your responsibility. It is imperative that you conduct your own research. I am merely sharing my opinion with no guarantee of gains or losses on investments.
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Here are some affiliate plugins and software programs I use that you may find helpful.
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▶︎ Canva Free Images: https://canva.7eqqol.net/c/2347376/647168/10068?subId1=youtube&adcampaigngroup=Pro_LP
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▶︎ Link Whisper: https://linkwhisper.com/ref/50/
▶︎Hosting Site with more traffic: https://spidrweb.co.uk/
▶︎Income School Course:https://incomeschool.com/project24/?ref=145&campaign=Youtube
▶︎Image Optimization Shortpixel: https://shortpixel.com/otp/af/Q05JPQU200383
▶︎Email Marketing: https://keywordcarecom.aweber.com
▶︎AAWP Product Generator: https://getaawp.com/?ref=492&campaign=facebook