✅Get 51% Off A2Hosting Here! http://bit.ly/2N90ZfA
✅ Avada Theme: http://bit.ly/2T4LSZK
✅ Logo Creation: https://logomakr.com/
In this Woocommerce Tutorial I show you step by step how you can make a WordPress Ecommerce Website using the free plugin called WooCommerce. The most popular ecommerce website builder used worldwide. We will talk about how to install and configure WooCommerce, how to create a simple product, variable product that includes different sizes and colors, a digital and/or service product, a grouped product, downloadable product and affiliate product. We’ll even cover how you can create a logo & more! This is a long one so grab some caffeine!
By the end of this woocommerce tutorial for beginners, you will have a full fledged up and running wordpress ecommerce website ready to start taking orders from customers!
P.S. If you already have a wordpress website hosted, skip to 16:45
Also, if you want to use a free theme instead of the Avada theme, that is fine, the tutorial will still apply your site will just look a bit different. 🙂
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