This is an HTML full course, from beginner to advanced. No additional course or paid product needed. By watching this course you will learn all of the HTML in a single video. Also, in the second half of the tutorial we will use the knowledge we gain through the course and use it to develop a fully responsive multi-page website using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
This course comes with a package including a handy reference and the source code of the project that we complete during the video. You can download them all for free from the link below:
Also, the time map is available to you for a better navigation between different modules. You can click on each timestamp to watch the video of that part using the links below:
00:00:00 Introduction
00:02:07 About HTML
00:02:36 Tags
00:03:19 Create an HTML Page
00:04:40 Creating Tags
00:07:08 Head and Metadata
00:09:09 Body and Visual Elements
00:10:07 Attributes
00:11:31 IDE
00:12:56 IDE Extensions
00:14:07 IDE Auto-Complete Feature
00:16:08 Headings
00:18:24 Paragraph
00:20:10 Break Lines
00:21:06 Bold or Strong
00:22:09 Horizontal Role
00:22:46 Italic Text
00:23:18 Underline
00:23:50 The DEL Tag
00:24:22 Pre
00:25:34 Blockquote
00:26:27 Images
00:30:23 Links
00:33:05 Lists
00:33:14 Ordered List
00:34:23 Un-ordered List
00:34:53 Definition List
00:36:25 Tables
00:41:50 Comments
00:43:04 Block and Inline Elements
00:45:03 Iframe
00:46:26 Div and Span
00:48:16 Favicon
00:49:47 Computercode
00:51:33 Addressing and Paths
00:53:47 Entities, Symbols, and Emojis
01:00:17 URL
01:01:23 Multimedia
01:05:53 Semantic Elements
01:08:16 About SEO
01:12:32 Forms
01:14:09 Form Elements
01:19:35 Create a Contact Form
01:25:44 Integrating CSS
01:32:36 Class and ID
01:37:12 JavaScript
01:41:39 Project
03:45:57 Outro
We also have 2 series of JavaScript tutorials for beginners and advanced developers on this channel. Feel free to watch them after this course to learn about JavaScript as well.
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