SEO Tips – Latest SEO Secrets for Ranking #1 on Google: exact proof and step-by-step rankings

SEO Tips – Latest SEO Secrets for Ranking #1 on Google: exact proof and step-by-step rankings

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SEO is becoming more and more about questions and answers, in this video, our CEO Simon Young, 25 year SEO veteran, describes how to rank videos using questions and answers.

Google is threatened by only one thing, voice search, and the answer engines are trying to overtake Google, will they succeed? Who knows. The one thing we can be sure of is that Google knows that voice search will be the future, and the other thing we can be confident in is that Google has a plan to combat Alexa. With Alexa currently leading the way in voice search Google needs to be able to provide a consistently better answer, the way they WILL achieve that is by prioritizing video in the search results. Why is video so powerful in SEO? What’s the main reason Google prefers and ranks video over text-based content? They prefer video because it absolutely allows Google to profile the viewer far more accurately, think of it this way, if you are reading this and have watched some of my videos then you engaged in a unique way, you have an engagement fingerprint. Google can measure how well a video serves the audience viewer, how far through you watch, do you rewind and watch certain segments again, do you skip through to the bit you wanted, do you just skip altogether (which would be classed as a bounce on a normal web page), Google gets far more data about the user from the way they react and engage with a video than it does with normal search. Couple that with the way it wants to defend itself from Alexa and its counterparts and you can easily see that Google’s strategy to work against the answer engines is to provide quality engaging videos to its users and therefore video will win out massively in the SEO race to the top of search, fact.

So, getting into Google at the top has never been easier in reality. Google wants video and is prepared to reward good content, yes it has always rewarded good content, but never more than now. There is so little content uploaded to YouTube by brands, especially in the Q&A space right now that a massive opportunity exists in the SEO world, just not enough people are taking advantage. Too many brands steer away from video as they see it as expensive, they don’t know what to make video about and even when they do make video rarely has it achieved the results they would like – all of that needs to be in the past and if you are a forward-thinking brand manager and considering what your next move in terms of SEO and ranking your business and its significant keywords at the top of Google – trust me, this is absolute GOLD.

In this video, I show absolute proof of ranking No.1 on Google for my chosen keywords and questions within a month. No more should brands have to wait to rank, make the right video and Google will plaster your content all over the top of the search, quickly, without months and months of effort that often goes into search engine optimization campaigns, blogging, on-site meta editing, tagging, speed improvements, basically all the rubbish that SEO companies undertake that frankly nowadays is completely outdated as they don’t want to recommend video for SEO. Why don’t SEO companies recommend video? Because they see budgets then being shifted to video marketing away from the cash machine that is the little amount of work they actually carry out for their fees. If you are an SEO business, tell me in the comments if you think I am wrong. Can’t wait to see what some so-called SEO experts respond to this video, if they dare!

Timecodes –
0:00 Intro
0:12 What are the best SEO techniques?
0:40 What are the challenges in SEO?
1:01 How to rank at the #1 on Google
1:25 YouTube marketing tutorial
1:45 Ranking video at the top of YouTube
2:07 Optimising your descriptions for search and SEO
2:48 Google is picking up on the quality question and answer videos
2:58 The only thing that can put Google out of business is Alexa
3:25 The answer engines are the threat for Google
4:00 Google sees video as the bridge between traditional search and voice search
4:58 Google is testing SEO with video allowing videos to rank at the top of search
5:30 Evidence of No.1 rankings achieved on Google inside one month
6:22 Out of 4.7M results we rank No.1 on Google
6:45 Building trust using SEO and video ranking
8:20 People also ask section of Google, ranking for SEO questions and answers
9:45 Q&A proof that ranking video beats traditional SEO
11:06 Proof of SEO ranking from our YouTube channel
14:00 Engagement rates on YouTube triggering SEO rankings
14:30 How we have embedded video into web pages from YouTube for SEO ranking
15:40 Rankings on YouTube, 5 videos in the top 10 for YouTube marketing

#seo techniques
#1 on Google

Watch this video again –

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